Hello! I hope you are doing well! I was a caregiver to my mom and my granny. The experience that I have received, lead me to open up a for profit and a nonprofit to not only help caregivers, but also help caregivers! The Caregiver’s Column allows me to add connect with caregivers and share their story and insight with others! My first Caregiver’s Column is about Barbara Jenkins! Angela: Who are you a caregiver to? Barbara: I am a caregiver for my mother Angela: How long have you been a Caregiver? Barbara: I've been caring for my mom since 2012, 7 years Angela: What have you learned from being a Caregiver? Barbara: I learned from being a Caregiver is to have lots of patience and most importantly having unconditional love for your loved one and keeping them very happy. Angela: If you could give advice to someone who may become a Caregiver, what would you tell him/her? Barbara: I would tell someone who is becoming a Caregiver is to lean on God, have lots of faith in him and know he will pull you through virtually anything. This includes giving you the strength that's needed to carry your loved one through whatever unfortunate situation he/she has been subjected to. FACT: Adults ages 45 to 64 are the most likely to be caregivers. In fact, about a quarter (23%) of adults ages 45 to 64 cares for an aging adult. ~ www.pewresearch.org I want you to know that caregivers are amazing. I am so proud to be able to not only work with them, but support them as much as I can! I understand what they have to endure, as I have and continue to be one! Forever care, Angela
![]() Hello, hope all is well! The question that some have is what makes her a leader? Well, I am here to answer this question. She is a leader because she simple says she is a leader. When she says, she is a leader, she believes she is a leader followed by doing things that a leader will do. She is a leader because she has integrity. Google’s definition of INTEGRITY is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Her integrity shows others that she is honest, she can be trusted and her morals means so much to her. She is a leader because she does not lower her standards. She is dedicated and works hard to achieve success. She is a warrior for change, a warrior for doing what is right, a warrior for digging in to do the work and a warrior for helping others. These are also great examples of what make her a leader. She is a leader because she inspires others! I would like you to watch a video by Barbara Corcoran about what leaders have in common…click here. So instead of asking the question, what makes her a leader, you should remove the question and say to yourself, I am a leader because…and then answer the question. You are a leader! Yes, I am going to say it again, you are a leader! I want to introduce you to one person who you are leading. Are you ready to meet the person you are leading? Well, here we go, please take a moment to meet yourself. You are a leader of self. Always remember that before you can lead anyone, you must lead yourself. I leave you with this, she is a leader and so are you! It is now time for you to lead yourself as you see fit! Forever care, Angela V. McKnight The Carepreneur When Passion Meets Purpose Hello, hope all is well!
So many people never fulfill their passion because of the simple word “FEAR.” Just like any other word in the dictionary, FEAR is just a word. Always remember, words don’t have power, actions have power. Therefore, if you are not pursuing your passion, then you have relinquished your power to just a simple word, called “FEAR.” If you want power, you have to begin taking actions, so that you can execute your passion. Take a moment to answer these two questions
After answering these questions, I want you to turn any negative answers into positive actions and then take a moment to set some goals to begin executing your actions. Let me tell you something. I remember allowing FEAR to hold me back from making calls to potential partners for my initiatives. What I was doing was letting FEAR take my power, which meant that I was not able to execute actions that would allow me to move forward. I no longer have FEAR when it comes to making calls, since taking back my power, I have made numerous calls to potential partners and have been successful in securing successful partnerships that helped me execute my actions, which allow me to fulfill my passion. So now, do you see that you need to take control away from the word FEAR, so that you can fulfill your passion? Quote Les Brown states, “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” Action: Let me know that you have taking back control and is now on the road called ACTION to fulfill your passion. Forever care, Angela ![]() Hello, I hope all is well! Do you have a passion? Are you looking to uncover your passion? Well, the answer to these questions lies within YOU. You have a passion; you just probably don’t know that it is your passion. I want you to take some time and think about what you LOVE to do, not like, LOVE to do. Do you have a strong feeling about a cause? If so, what is the cause? What concerns you and/or do you want to help solve a problem? Here's an example: Question: what do you love to do? My Answer: I love helping seniors live life to the fullest. Question: What concerns you? My Answer: I have a soft heart for senior citizens. When I see that a senior is being mistreated or don’t have anyone to help them, I want to jump right in and help that senior in need. Question: Do you have a strong feeling about a cause? If so, what is the cause? My Answer: Yes, expanding services that are geared toward senior citizens Question: Do you want to help solve a problem? My Answer: Yes, provide more genuine services that help seniors live their best life. When you answer the above questions, check to see if there is a common denominator. Maybe you love many things, maybe not…just a self-observation that you can do. How did it make you feel thinking about what you have put down? Is your heart melting? You maybe already living your passion. Every step that you accomplish or did not accomplish, you still want to continue to do more. Your success lives in doing all that you can to make a difference. Do you feel a sense of fulfillment about what you have written down? Was it hard to put down the pen or stop typing about any particular question? I want you to take a day or two to think about your answers, do you still feel the same about all, one or none of the questions? Share you answers with someone and take a mental note about how you are feeling while sharing your answers. If you feel PASSIONATE about expressing your answers, telling someone about the problem that you want to help solve, what you love to do, what concerns you, you may have just uncovered your PASSION. Try it and let me know if you have uncovered your passion. If you know what you passion is, please share any feedback to my post. Forever Care, Angela V. McKnight The Carepreneur Hello and hope all is well!
Do you want to unleash your passion? Do you want to start a business? Do you want to expand your business? Do you want to make a difference by having a nonprofit? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then let’s go! Yes, let’s go! One sure way to unleash you passion, start your business, expand your business and/or make a difference, you have to become a Sport FAN. You have to become your own Sport FAN. Characteristics of a Sport FAN:
The above characteristics of a Sport FAN are just what you need to do. Now, let’s see how becoming your own Sport FAN will help you unleash your passion, business, and/or nonprofit:
Unleashing the Sport Fan that is inside of you, will allow you to accomplish your goal. Are you ready to be your own Sport Fan (BYOSF)? Enjoy your day! Angela V. McKnight The Carepreneur #fan #sportfan #game #byosf #AVMfan #thecarepreneur My 2013 has been a glorious year! I give praise to GOD for allowing me to be one of his beautiful messengers. I’m thankful for his guidance and the strength he bestowed unto me. #godisgood ![]() 1. Blessed to have healthy beautiful children (daughter 20 and son 13)! - #proudmomma and blessed to share 22 years (9 married) with my sweetheart. -#lovemyhusband #mypartner #mysupporter 2. Visited my Dad this summer! - #daddysgirl 3. February 2013 - Blessed to open a storefront to serve the community! – Thank you Andy’s catering! #brickandmortar 4. March 2013, it marked 2 years of stepping out on faith and leaving the corporate world to pursue my passion – helping, partnering and collaborating to make a difference! #DrivenByPassion ![]() 5. April 2013, received the 2013 Jersey City "Women of Action" Award. - #award 6. June 2013 - Part of a Speaker Panelist at the BALLE Conference in Buffalo, NY!– Thank you Rising Tide - #subjectmatterexpert #bealocalist 7. July 2013 - I received an award for Outstanding Services to our Community by Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church and Jersey City Deliverance Center. - Thank you Jerome Colwell for nominating me for this awesome award! - #payingitforward 8. Grateful to be part of the documentary on CBS "Playing with a Purpose" presented by Barclays! - Thank you Rising Tide for this great opportunity. The documentary aired on August 3rd! - #nationaltv 9. Featured in the JCI Magazine Fall 2013 Edition. I would like to thank the JCI staff for the great interview and support! - #WhyICare #SheReallyCares 10. October 2013, I’m grateful and thankful to have been interviewed by Councilwoman At Large Joyce Waterman. The show aired on local Jersey City TV during the month of November! #interview ![]() 12. December 2013, it was an honor to share my entrepreneurial story at Rising Tide’s The Start Something Challenge Gala 2013! - #entrepreneur #sharemystory 13. December 2013, my book Caregiver’s Guide to Helping Seniors Eat Healthily is on the shelves at Tachair Bookshoppe – Thank you Carol Valleau - #myfirstbook With each day in 2013, I’ve learned how to continue pushing forward, but most of all; I’ve assisted, helped, and inspired many to do the same. I’m grateful to GOD for allowing me to fulfil the mission that he has for me. I look forward to 2014 and wish you and your loved ones a Happy New Year!
Thank you, Angela McKnight Hello,
I hope all is well. It was a true honor to have Ms. Bunney writes the foreword for my book Caregiver's Guide to Helping Seniors Eat Healthy. I would like to share one her sentences with you: "Our present food chain is hindering rather than helping us become and stay healthy." ~ Joan Bunney Do you agree or disagree? Why? Let's talk about it. Thank you, It was a beautiful day. The weather was just right, the cake was gorgeous, the decor was set, and I was looking good. You have to check out my shoes! :) Everything was set for my book signing. I was happy to have Stephanie from What’s Really Cooking prepare and set up the food for the day. She made some of my recipes from the book along with some of her famous recipes. Her team included her precious daughter Jay, her husband, her wonderful mother and dedicated friend. Stacy Rodgers from Pure I.M.A.G.E.S was the moderator for the day. She did a terrific job welcoming my guests, keeping everything in order and making me feel so very special. My daughter Ana'jah was my infamous photographer. I love seeing her take pictures. Wait a minute; I had two other photographers, which were my husband Anthony and Stacy.
I was ready! Then my first guest arrived. It was Gisela and her pretty daughter Chelsea. My face lit up as they walked into the room. As the time went by, additional guest arrived and we greeted each other with grace. I was happy to see my Graphic Designer Jamal Momon from Momon Photo and Print and my Developmental Editor Nicole PraSisto. It touched my heart to see the young children Jay, Charlie, Chelsea, and Maya in the room enjoying the day. My daughter Ana’jah, nephew Tyrone and daughter from another mother Kena helped greet my guests as they arrived. Stacy started the day off welcoming and thanking my guests. Stacy then went onto to introduce me as a new Author! It was my time to speak so first thing first, I too welcomed and thanked my guests and Stacy for being my moderator. Then I started my speech. I was so happy that my family and friends came out to be with me on my special day. I was able to share the inspiration for my first book project and read an excerpt from my book. As I looked around the room, the love and support filled the air. I shared with everyone that my book signing was my one year anniversary of my last day working in the corporate world. My final words for that moment were “With God anything is possible.” After my speech, Stacy shared special words about me and then she asked my guests if they wanted to do the same. As my FAMILY and FRIENDS took the microphone, my heart was overflowing with so much LOVE! The cake was so beautiful; I did not want to cut it. However, the cake was a treat for my guests. The first book I signed for the day was for Lakeesha’s husband Fonzo. While signing my first book, Stacy, my husband and daughter were snapping away! It was a pleasure signing my guests’ book and taking lovely pictures with them. After signing and taking pictures, I was able to do more mingling. It was a true honor and I will always remember my first book signing. I want to thank all of my guests for coming out and supporting my first book project! I also want to thank my supporters who weren’t able to be with me in person. I have so much love for all of my supporters! Thank you! Hello,
I hope all is well. Healthy eating contributes to living longer, yes it does! "I truly believe that the healthy food Granny ate helped her remain on this earth longer. Although she suffered from kidney failure and was told she had six months to live, my Granny lived an extra seven months.” ~ Angela McKnight These two sentences are from my book. Do you think healthy eating conributed to my Granny living longer? If you don't think so, then please think again. Here is a great article that cosigns my actions of caring for my Granny: Top 15 Healthy Foods for People with Kidney Disease Thank you, Angela Hello,
I hope all is well. I would like to welcome you to my book Caregiver's Guide to Helping Seniors Eat Healthy blog. In this blog, I will talk about my book and things associated to my book. Please feel free to subscribe to my RSS Feed. Thank you and have a great day! Angela |
March 2019