Hello & welcome!
Thank you for visiting my site. I hope that you are enjoying life. Everything happens for a reason, there are no mistakes. I believe it was meant for you to connect with me today. While you are here, please take some time to look around my site. I believe you will find something inspiring that will help you move forward.
Enjoy your time here and remember, you are worthy!
Founder & CEO of AngelaCARES, Inc.
Founder & CEO of Care About You, LLC.
Assemblywoman for the New Jersey - 31st District
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CoachYou want to start a business (profit or nonprofit) or have a business (profit or nonprofit), but needs some help getting focus or bringing it to fruition or expansion. You thought about.
InstructorYou need some technology and/or people care training. Do you need a workshop? I am a trainer and facilitator by heart. I've trained over 1000 end users (external and internal) in group settings, one-on-one trainings, conference calls and webinar settings. I also train business people, entrepreneurs, youth, seniors and adults on the following.
SpeakerAre you looking for a speaker to empower, inspire and/or uplift you or an audience (youth, adults or senior citizens)? Angela is the right person to call. I am able to get the job done. I am able to get people thinking outside the box, finding their potential and moving forward.
Angela V. McKnight, CSAA CSA is a professional who has knowledge about aging and important health, social and financial issues that affect the majority of seniors.