It was a beautiful day. The weather was just right, the cake was gorgeous, the decor was set, and I was looking good. You have to check out my shoes! :) Everything was set for my book signing. I was happy to have Stephanie from What’s Really Cooking prepare and set up the food for the day. She made some of my recipes from the book along with some of her famous recipes. Her team included her precious daughter Jay, her husband, her wonderful mother and dedicated friend. Stacy Rodgers from Pure I.M.A.G.E.S was the moderator for the day. She did a terrific job welcoming my guests, keeping everything in order and making me feel so very special. My daughter Ana'jah was my infamous photographer. I love seeing her take pictures. Wait a minute; I had two other photographers, which were my husband Anthony and Stacy.
I was ready! Then my first guest arrived. It was Gisela and her pretty daughter Chelsea. My face lit up as they walked into the room. As the time went by, additional guest arrived and we greeted each other with grace. I was happy to see my Graphic Designer Jamal Momon from Momon Photo and Print and my Developmental Editor Nicole PraSisto. It touched my heart to see the young children Jay, Charlie, Chelsea, and Maya in the room enjoying the day. My daughter Ana’jah, nephew Tyrone and daughter from another mother Kena helped greet my guests as they arrived. Stacy started the day off welcoming and thanking my guests. Stacy then went onto to introduce me as a new Author! It was my time to speak so first thing first, I too welcomed and thanked my guests and Stacy for being my moderator. Then I started my speech. I was so happy that my family and friends came out to be with me on my special day. I was able to share the inspiration for my first book project and read an excerpt from my book. As I looked around the room, the love and support filled the air. I shared with everyone that my book signing was my one year anniversary of my last day working in the corporate world. My final words for that moment were “With God anything is possible.” After my speech, Stacy shared special words about me and then she asked my guests if they wanted to do the same. As my FAMILY and FRIENDS took the microphone, my heart was overflowing with so much LOVE! The cake was so beautiful; I did not want to cut it. However, the cake was a treat for my guests. The first book I signed for the day was for Lakeesha’s husband Fonzo. While signing my first book, Stacy, my husband and daughter were snapping away! It was a pleasure signing my guests’ book and taking lovely pictures with them. After signing and taking pictures, I was able to do more mingling. It was a true honor and I will always remember my first book signing. I want to thank all of my guests for coming out and supporting my first book project! I also want to thank my supporters who weren’t able to be with me in person. I have so much love for all of my supporters! Thank you!
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March 2019